English listening practice

English language is an international language. If you want to go abroad for any purpose such as studying, traveling or business purpose. As a natural communicative language you have better chance to expose your mind in English. Other native languages are as not usable as English. We must know our mother tongue better then any other language but as an international language we have to know English and believe that English is a nice language! For better knowing English it has a part of listening English. Here I post such type of English listening video which is helpful for beginner and gradually after advance level. So let's start to listening..... A request to the listener. Please listen this educational or English learning linguistic video attentively. Don't treated yourself as a big guy. Thinking yourself as a big.... prepare yourself as that. You also find this type of video in you-tube. But I search the sweet-able for you for your better learning.  

Here is story number 1

Here is story number 2

Here is story number 3

Here is story number 4


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